Wednesday 15 May 2013

Labour market integration of immigrants in the EU: key trends and policy issues

a discussion paper by Anna Platonova (Regional Office for EEA, EU AND NATO, International Organization for Migration (IOM)) published by Itinera Institute for International Organization for Migration (March 2013)


One of the main challenges of an effective integration policy is that its intersection with a number of other major policy areas, such as protection of human and labour rights, promoting equal opportunities and non-discrimination, employment and labour market policy, regional development, national security, social cohesion, public health, education, and naturalisation and citizenship.

IOM takes a comprehensive view of integration policy as a set of legal and policy measures that define the parameters of migrants’ stay and involvement in the country of destination, which go beyond specific immigration and integration measures, but extend to mainstreaming migration considerations into relevant areas of economic and social governance. In particular, it is of paramount importance to move towards improving the knowledge of effective immigrant integration governance in each related policy field, including employment and education, as well as developing mechanisms for inter-policy coordination.

This paper presents an overview of the key trends in the European Union with respect to labour market integration outcomes for immigrants, and the relevant areas for public policy engagement, as well as proposed recommendations. The paper largely draws on several studies carried out by the IOM Independent Network of Labour Migration and Integration Experts (LINET) in 2010-2012 based at the Regional Office of IOM in Brussels and funded by Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission.1

Full text (PDF 18pp)

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