Tuesday 21 August 2012

Changes to Jobcentre Plus vacancies statistics

DWP press release

In late autumn 2012 there will be fundamental changes in Jobcentre Plus handling of employer vacancies and services in support of job search. The existing source of administrative data is being decommissioned. This means that existing National Statistics on Jobcentre Plus vacancies will cease. There will be no further releases on Nomis.

A new service will be introduced to provide job search services to all jobseekers. New internet-based statistics from this system will be available to all users. This will provide wider coverage with timely and frequent updates. However, definitions will not be consistent with the existing statistics.

These changes are largely driven by the need to improve the service to job search customers. However, there are substantial benefits for statistical users too, as well as some changes to the structure of the series.

Further information is available here

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