Saturday 26 September 2009

[American] Careers advice in 140 characters

JT O’Donnell is the founder of, a site for career news and perspective for job seekers and young careerists, ages 18-40. Adding to the list of career services, O’Donnell devised The Twitter Advice Project or T.A.P., which would be a series of experts tweeting advice in response to questions posed by readers. All advice would appear in the @CAREEREALISM Twitter feed and users could easily see all the answers to specific questions.

“Can't be done,” said the experts. JT, as she is known, went ahead anyway and – it works.

I'm not sure how well it will work for UK users but some advice is globally applicable, some you have to do a bit of language translation (a resumé is a CV for example) and some is pure American.

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