Sunday 26 October 2008

Sympathy PLEASE

After a couple of days on dry toast and water (no protein to feed the nasty bugs that have infested my gut) I've come back to the land of the living to find that not only am I days behind on my "normal blogging" from government feeds and the other interesting stuff that I read on your behalf (see how good I am to you all) but I saw 197 entries in "journal feeds". What is going on?

Nothing as easy to cope with as Inderscience gone mad again. This time it was Emerald with 18, yes, I did say eighteen, sets of journal abstracts.

Why the differentiation?

Inderscience publications, as readers of ADSET Members' Update will have heard me going on about, has one feed for all its publications. Sure, it takes a while to skim through such things as chemical processes in which neither you nor I have much interest (at least not in the context of this blog) but Emerald publishes things about information, information management, management and so on. They all need reading not skimming and that takes time which is the one commodity I have very little of.

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