Saturday 7 June 2008

Medics top the poll of professions today’s teens want to date

I really, really thought that I'd stopped being critical of the LSC's (Learning and Skills Council's) information management but I haven't.

Background to that statement is that some time ago Dawn and I agreed on a "who does what" policy which meant that she covered information from the LSC except for data issues but because we have realigned responsibilities I got it back and wish I hadn't!

So, I looked at the title of this press release and thought it completely uninteresting and irrelevant but ... thought I ought to go and look since the email notification provides a title (as above) and a link in full but no abstract or other indication of what it's actually about.

Oops, what's that extension? PDF? For a press release? (Please read with emphasis and a disbelieving tone of voice).

Yup, my eyes did not deceive me.

And as for content, this press release, issued on 20 May embargoed until 26 May included in an email which arrived in my inbox on 4 June, is about a survey conducted by the LSC in conjunction with the folks who manage the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) (I thought that was a division of the LSC but what do I know?). The lowest choice for dating is someone who is unemployed -- but if unemployed person had stayed in education and training with the support of an EMA then s/he would rise up the datability scale!

I never saw such contrived marketing in all my born days!

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