Saturday 19 April 2008

Disabled talent flocks to

via - United Kingdom headlines on 3 April Linking disabled job seekers with recruiters
The latest statistics released in the 2008 NORAS (National Online Recruitment Audience Survey) shows that Jobsgopublic’s commitment to disabled talent has been recognised by the target audience. Reporting double the national average of job seekers who declare a disability, 6% of all Jobsgopublic jobseekers are sufficiently confident of Jobsgopublic software, and their clients’ commitment to recruiting disabled talent, to declare their disability on application.

Read the full article

Hazel's comment:
I remember reading, a while back, a leaflet aimed at disabled graduates which discussed the issue of whether or not to disclose a disability to a prospective employer. In the end the author concluded by leaving it up to a person's own decision having set out the pros and cons. I assume that the disadvantages are still there having looked at the figures for unemployment among disabled people as compared to other groups of people. Jobseekers and employers are becoming clearer about discrimination law and what is or is not permissible under the law.

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