Monday 17 September 2007

Visa predicts cash's downfall -- Echo Boomers don't use cash

Well, Visa would say that -- there's no profit to a credit card company if we start using cash again!
It wasn't that which caught my eye, however. It was the use of the phrase "Echo Boomers". So I emailed Dawn and said:
OK so I understand "baby boomers" (although as defined I'm a couple of years too old to be one) but "echo boomers" have no resonance in my brain!!

Dawn to me a week later:
It’s a new one on me too, Boss. According to World Wide Words Echo Boomers are children born between the late 1970s and early 1990s. They’re mostly the children of baby boomers – hence the name – and have been stereotyped as “ethnically diverse children of the computer age”. They are “the first generation to claim the computer as birthright”. You live and learn.
Me to all readers:
If children of Baby Boomers (born 1946 to 1956) had children in the 1980s (plus a few years either side) then there's something a bit weird in the population statistics but so be it. At least we now what the phrase means (I think).

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