Thursday 3 May 2007

Review in Freepint: Research Methods in Information by Alison Jane Pickard

The Facet Publishing blog said recently:

"Just spotted, in the latest edition of FreePint, an excellent review of Alison Jane Pickard's, Research Methods in Information. This book successfully covers the key angles, themes and topics that you would expect and hope to see in a research text for people working or researching in information environments. It is an ideal size, accessible and nice to read. The author's enthusiasm for and knowledge of research is evident, not only by her credentials but by the very nature of the book itself. I am certainly pleased to have it in my collection."

What the author of the blog omitted to say was that this book is published by Facet Publishing - so s/he is not likely to point you to a bad review of the book! Not that I could find one - nor indeed a mediocre or another good one. Maybe it's simply not "hit" the reviewers yet. The blurb on the Facet website is, of course, positive whilst, in true information management style, remaining largely hype free.

It's not yet in my local public library system and at £39.95 (£31.95 for CILIP members) I'd find it difficult to justify purchase to the company directors!

Paperback; February 2007; 336pp; ISBN-10: 1-85604-545-5; ISBN-13: 978-1-85604-545-2