Wednesday 27 January 2010

Alternative sources of funding for ESOL

The Basic Skills Bulletin Issue 78 (November 2009) has this as its lead story. I tried searching for an online link to what I perceived to be a very useful list of potential sources but with limited success. I even tried the LSC website (from where the original list came) but ... if you’ve ever spent time searching the LSC’s website you will appreciate the but!

Migrant Impact Fund (MIF)

And ... in searching for a link to the MIF I came across the LSC’s publication of September 2009 so saving myself more work.

However, looking through the list, and remembering my days on the front-line trying to find an appropriate source of funding for Mr X to do Y, then I can only echo the responses of practitioners as published in the bulletin. There have always been alternative sources of funding but most of these listed are hedged around with caveats, and the paperwork required, in particular for some of the European sources, can be horrendous.

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