Tuesday 30 September 2008

In support of the freedom of speech of someone with whom I almost completely disagree

via Nosemonkey's EUtopia by nosemonkey on 24 September

Of course, this is no doubt a lot more complicated than it appears at first glance, but nonetheless the apparent attempts to shut down UKIP press spokesman Gawain Towler's long-running England Expects blog are to be heartily condemned. As the man himself says, it is his job - as the spokesman of a party that exists to attack and ridicule the EU - to, erm, attack and ridicule the EU.

Read the full post here

Hazel's comment:
And it's my job to bring you a post which tells you that someone else's job is …

Aw heck, it probably isn't my job but it does sort of fit into the theme for this blog.

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