Thursday 28 August 2008

Full of Life

A campaign to celebrate the opportunities, achievements, and aspirations of older people.

Campaign website

Hazel's comment:
Actually contains some good ideas although how many people will be acknowledging "UK Older People’s Day" on 1 October I do not know. If you're 50 or over, and I know that several readers of this blog as well as its author fall into that category, then you are "an older person". Ouch! I don't feel older.
Linking ideas, I was reading in the newspaper only yesterday that by 2060 there will be only two working people for every person in Europe aged over 65.
State pensions are struggling to cope with four people of working age to everyone over 65 so I don't know what pensions will look like in 50 years. Maybe the "cut off" for work will need to rise to 70 or 80 or ??? as my husband is fond of saying "think of a figure and double it". I'm alright, Jack (just) but what about future generations? And in the UK the present government borrowing just to stay afloat is really rather frightening!

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