Sunday 4 November 2007

Good news

At least I think it's good news.
I've got a date for a pre-surgical assessment prior to having Aorto Bifemoral Surgery (that's a bypass of the lower aorta). It's 12 November so I expect to be in for the op within three weeks. It's a seven-day stay and the first three days I'll be flat on my back but should be back to blogging as soon as I get home.
No, please don't make any comments about optimism -- I had something similar (not quite as drastic) done a couple of years ago and was back at the computer within two hours of getting home!
I do know, however, that I'm going to get very tired very quickly so you can probably count on lots of shared items and not much comment. (I didn't hear someone say "nothing new then", did I?)
I have also prepared myself for the severe depression that hit me last time -- forewarned is forearmed so my mother used to tell me -- my friendly medic will have to up the dosage!

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